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Is Lack of Driver Data Affecting Your Ability to Reduce Risk? [Webinar]

Wanting to learn more about driver monitoring during the COVID-19 pandemic from industry-leaders such as Lyft, SambaSafety and HopSkipDrive? We have you covered with our recap of the Marketplace Risk webinar surrounding Leveraging Driver Data to Effectively Mitigate Risk.

Hear from Eric Waldinger, Chief Marketing Officer, SambaSafety; Alix Rosenthal, Vice President – Compliance, Lyft; and Corey McMahon, Senior Vice President – Product and Operations, HopSkipDrive, either on-demand or by delving further into highlights on identifying high-risk drivers, optimizing driver data, lowering operational costs, reducing risk and protecting your brand.


Some of the most compelling points of conversation included:

  • Working to answer the question of how we come back safely while ensuring the mitigation of COVID-19 spread.
  • That driver risk still exists and are ever-present, even during COVID-19, and the impact unhandled driver risk can have on organizations.
  • Data is king in any industry.
    • When you get into a ride-share, it is a clear-cut example as to how data married with driver monitoring ensures only the right drivers are behind the wheel, creating real impact.
  • Companies using continuous driver monitoring are able to analyze information at-hand to understand that multiple speeding tickets and additional citations have the potential to increase their risk profiles.
  • HopSkipDrive and Lyft invest in ensuring that they have the safest and most capable drivers – continuous driver monitoring means that the cost savings and driver accountability do not end upon hire.
  • Marrying driver monitoring with telematics ensures that drivers are held accountable alongside corporate-level policies and expectations.
    • Insurance plans and rates are positively impacted due to these implemented preventative measures.
  • The Hawthorne Effect, which states that those monitored when doing something typically improve their behavior, impacts driver behavior due to the awareness of monitoring in-place.
  • Technology such as driver monitoring allows companies to have conversations with drivers in near real-time, bridging the visbility gap and mitigating risky behavior.
  • Ten percent of a company’s driver population makes up 40 percent of the driving-related costs.
    • While these costs are not unexpected at times, precursors and early indicators can only benefit your bottom line.
    • When you start layering on driver data, continuous driver monitoring can better inform those telling signs as to who should be driving on behalf of your company, further enhancing the company safety culture.
  • There’s an intersection between monitoring and how organizations are looking at predictive analytics as well as driver behavior to further dive into data.
  • Looking toward the non-COVID-19 world, it appears that this crisis will change the way that everyone uses transportation.
    • Although we are unsure of what that next iteration looks like, it appears that autonomous vehicles are a valuable piece of technology when looking to limit human interaction.

There’s immense value in implementing continuous driver monitoring – but why does it matter? Download our white paper to find out.

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