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Class Is in Session! 12 Back-to-School Safety Tips for Fleet Drivers

With school back in session, the added traffic and pedestrians on the road present a great risk to fleets. School zones are known to be some of the most high-risk areas for drivers. From parents hurrying to drop their kids off before work to students walking with their heads down and texting on their phones – the combinations of dangerous situations are endless. Below, we discuss the alarming statistics surrounding school zones, critical back-to-school safety tips for drivers as well as steps companies can take to ensure their fleets are mindful of these dangers while behind the wheel.



Alarming School Zone Statistics

After analyzing three years of Colorado State Patrol crash data in school safety zones, it was determined that crashes occurred three times as frequently during pick-up and drop-off hours compared to all other hours from the past three school years. Pick-up hours were the most dangerous, with the peak period of the week being Friday between the hours of 3 p.m. and 6 p.m.

A separate study observing 39,000 middle and high school students and 56,000 drivers in school zones found that:

  • 1 in 4 high school students and 1 in 6 middle school students walked while distracted
  • 80% of students displayed unsafe street crossing behavior
  • Unsafe drop-off or pick-up behavior was observed in nearly 1 in 3 drivers

Despite a historic 20-year downward trend, in the past few years, there has been a 13% increase in the pedestrian death rate for 12 to 19-year-olds – presenting a renewed challenge for protecting kids on the move.

12 Back-to-School Safety Tips for Drivers

Navigating school zones as a fleet driver requires extra attention, caution and adherence to safety protocols. Here are some tips to help fleet drivers maneuver through school zones during back-to-school and beyond:

1. Reduce Speed

Obey posted speed limits and be prepared to slow down even further if necessary. Most school zones have reduced speed limits during pick-up and drop-off times. Stay alert for speed limit signs and always prioritize safety over rushing.

2. Watch for School Zone Signs

Be attentive to school zone signs indicating the beginning and end of the zone. These signs usually have flashing lights during school hours to alert drivers.

3. Be Aware of School Hours

Know the school’s start and end times, as well as any special events or extracurricular activities that might affect traffic flow. Plan routes accordingly to avoid heavy, school-related traffic.

4. Stop for School Buses

Always stop for school buses when they are picking up or dropping off children. It’s illegal and dangerous to pass a stopped school bus with its lights flashing and stop sign extended.

5. Follow Crossing Guards’ Instructions

Pay attention to crossing guards and follow their signals without hesitation. They are responsible for ensuring the safety of children crossing the street.

6. Mind Pedestrian Crosswalks

Be especially cautious at pedestrian crosswalks near schools. Yield to pedestrians and wait for them to cross completely before proceeding.

7. Avoid Distractions

Stay focused and avoid distractions like using your phone or adjusting the radio while driving through school zones.

8. Maintain a Safe Following Distance

Keep a safe following distance from the vehicle in front of you to allow for sudden stops, especially if children are present.

9. Use Caution Near School Grounds

Children can be unpredictable, so drive cautiously around school entrances, parking lots and playgrounds. Watch for kids who may dart into the road unexpectedly.

10. Use Hazard Lights for Stops

When making stops for drop-offs or pickups, use your hazard lights to alert other drivers that you are stationary.

11. Communicate with Other Drivers

Use turn signals and communicate your intentions clearly to others who are sharing the road.

12. Stay Patient and Informed

Expect delays in and around school zones, and exercise patience during peak school hours. Keep yourself updated about school events, road closures or any changes that may affect your route through school zones.

Preventing School Zone Crashes

Fleet safety managers must remain proactive in ensuring that company drivers are cautious and vigilant in school safety zones. They can do this by providing school zone driver training and continuous safety reminders.

Online Driver Training

To prepare fleets for the increase in traffic congestion, your drivers need to be trained on how to operate safely in school zones. Drivers must be able to properly handle and adjust to:

  • Warning signs and lights
  • Increased pedestrian traffic
  • Speed restrictions
  • School buses and their passengers

Driver training is not something that should be offered only during onboarding or after a violation occurs. Companies that offer frequent training can help drivers refresh and improve their skills. This also allows you to catch drivers before they are disqualified – helping you retain talent and protect the communities that your company serves.

>> Check Out Our Driving Training Courses for School Zones <<

Safety Messages & Visual Reminders

The best way to prevent incidents is by reinforcing safe habits. Documented driver safety training forms the foundation, but a wise safety manager will reinforce training with:

  • Safety messages: delivered via email, text and verbally during driver briefings.
  • Visual reminders: such as displaying decals on doors or safety posters in breakrooms.

Promoting good driving habits in school zones is the best way to prevent incidents and injuries throughout the school year. That’s why we created a free “School Safety Driver Dangers” poster. Print it out and hang it in your breakroom, or download the image and share it with your drivers and other team members as a safety reminder.

To help reinforce safe driving habits in school zones, download our free School Zone Safety poster. It features the top five tips to keep your drivers, pedestrians and the community safe.

school zone safety tips