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Insurance Broker Software

Discover how mandating continuous driver monitoring can help you obtain desirable rates, win new business and retain your customers.

The Commercial Auto Dilemma

As an insurance broker, you remain ever-focused on obtaining the best possible rates for your customers. However, with the commercial auto sector regularly averaging combined ratios well over 100 percent, avoiding premium increases at renewal is becoming increasingly difficult.

In-depth data on the driving behavior of your customer’s driver base is key to locking in great rates, but how do you go about collecting that data without spending hours analyzing various sources and manually pulling expensive motor vehicle records (MVRs)?

Access Driver Insight with Ease

By mandating SambaSafety’s continuous driver monitoring platform, you’ll receive unmatched insight into the driving behavior of your customer’s fleet, helping you secure the best possible rates. This technology will help customers replace outdated risk management processes, enabling them to take action against high-risk driving behavior in near real-time to decrease crash and claim frequency.


Provide an Unmatched Customer Service

Here’s How Mandating Driver Monitoring Can Help:


Secure the Best Possible Rates

Take a data-backed approach to securing desirable rates by providing detailed insight into your customer’s complete risk profile, allowing carriers to more accurately analyze and price risk specific to your customers’ drivers.


Reduce Customer Churn

Mandating continuous driver monitoring positions you as an invaluable partner who’s invested in protecting your customers, their employees and bottom line. Not to mention that by continuously obtaining the lowest rates, customers will have little incentive to shop around at renewal.


Win New Business

Use continuous driver monitoring to differentiate yourself from the competition. Focus on the technology you have accessible that will help prospects lower crashes and claims, as well as and control future premium increases.


We’ve reduced our reliance on self-reporting. Being able to flag drivers before they tell us there’s an issue complements the mandatory self-reporting policy and makes safety much more efficient.


Senior Risk and Safety Analyst

Discover Qorta

To learn more about SambaSafety’s comprehensive Qorta platform, explore our features page.

Ready to Learn More?

Discover how Qorta can transform the way your company manages risk. Schedule your customized demo with our software specialists today.