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MVR Technology for Reinsurance Carriers

Utilize violation data to assess and more accurately rate policies without relying on insight from primary carriers.

Don’t Take a Chance on Risk

When it comes to pricing reinsurance policies, you can’t rely on the honor system. Too often though, reinsurance carriers trust that primary carriers are pulling motor vehicle records (MVRs) to properly assess risk. In the age of nuclear verdicts, simply assuming an MVR has been pulled is far too great of a risk to take.

Take Control of Your Data

SambaSafety’s powerful Volta platform makes it easy for reinsurance carriers to access critical MVR data without relying on primary carriers or manually ordering and reviewing MVRs. By utilizing violation data, reinsurance carriers can determine predictable losses to better understand the risk exposure of their entire book of business.


Gain Unparalleled Insight into Driver Risk

Here’s How Volta Can Help:


Identify Risk with Ease

Gone are the days of sampling and scouring MVRs for serious violations differing state-to-state, only to spend money on clean drivers. Take advantage of triggers to quickly identify drivers with high-risk violations that you deem most important to evaluate and price risk.


Understand Projected Loss Cost

With accessible violation data, you can begin determining predictable losses and better understand the risk exposure for your entire book of business. Violation data can also be used to evaluate past loss and claims data, while also helping you reduce future losses.


Reduce Overall Driver Risk

Mitigate the risk of large settlements by partnering with primary carriers to ensure the right driver monitoring polices are in place across the board. Require carriers to utilize Volta so they can identify and better price risk in their policies. Make customer use of a driver monitoring system mandatory to proactively prevent crashes and claims.


We’ve reduced our reliance on self-reporting. Being able to flag drivers before they tell us there’s an issue complements the mandatory self-reporting policy and makes safety much more efficient.


Senior Risk and Safety Analyst

Discover Volta

To learn more about SambaSafety’s comprehensive Volta platform, explore our features page.

Ready to Learn More?

Schedule your demo with one of our specialists today.