Managing your crash and claims data is often a strenuous and time-consuming process. While technology has automated many things in this world, many companies still struggle with effectively keeping track of crash and claims data and subsequently using it to their fullest extent.

Imagine This

As an enterprise-level company, you’re sifting through large amounts of data not reported on motor vehicle records (MVRs) but instead by those who drive on behalf of your company. When you’re looking at how your company will continue to grow, you can easily recognize that your business will increase, and so will the need for drivers, for the foreseeable future. With tens of thousands of drivers making up your fleet, you’re looking at costs that exceed just money, but also time, productivity and manpower.


Why Crash and Claims Tracking Matters

Consider the fact that, in this scenario as an enterprise-level company, the majority of your crashes didn’t involve a police officer. What does this mean and why is it significant? These incidents don’t appear on a driver’s MVR, leaving the company without the full picture of risky driver behavior. These unreported incidents left off an MVR could end up costing you more than just one vehicle on the road.

Having a simple way to track incidents that have occurred is of the utmost importance in fully understanding the risk drivers bring and the potential for a costly claim. Reducing overall claims with continuous driver monitoring is made easy thanks to SambaSafety.

The Best Solution

Continuous driver monitoring makes cutting costs, not corners, easier than ever. Driver monitoring not only significantly reduces administrative burden but also simplifies and automates the claims management recognition process. Most importantly, enterprise-level companies can have access to easily digestible data on every driver, with the end goal of reducing the likelihood of future crashes and claims.

After all, recent violations are a strong predictor for future crashes. If you were able to easily identify and proactively intervene with those drivers that are deemed high-risk, you would be able to save yourself from the burden of increased claims costs.

Knowing which drivers present the greatest risk saves you time and money immediately and down the road. Long gone are the days of managing risk traditionally through antiquated methods such as manually pulling and reviewing MVRs alongside disjointed tracking of crash and claims data, thanks to continuous driver monitoring.

To learn more about the potential for continuous driver monitoring to transform your driver risk management strategy, download our white paper.