Did you happen to miss our webinar surrounding Demystifying Your Safety Policy with John Diana, Chief Compliance Officer and General Counsel, SambaSafety, Brenden Macy, Corporate and Compliance Council, SambaSafety, as well as Shannon Cohen, Partner, Scopelitis, Garvin, Light, Hanson & Feary, P.C.

Watch the webinar on-demand or learn more about some of the highlights below.

  • Have you ever heard of the Hawthorne Effect? It states that when people have a certain aspect of their behavior being monitored, they tend to perform or act better.
    • This falls in line for what our customers tell us at SambaSafety, that because there is a safety policy put in place and someone gets alerts every time a negative violation occurs on driving records, behavior tends to improve positively.
  • Failure to adopt a safety policy can complicate things.
  • If not adopting a comprehensive safety policy, you open yourself up exponentially more to immense safety and risk factors you could be controlling.
  • It’s not enough to just have a written policy – being able to enforce it is equally important.
    • Companies have to ensure that they follow their own policy and are compliant with it.
    • When you’re adopting a policy, it’s really crucial to adopt a policy that is active at all times.
  • Any policy that is too harsh, strict or truly too complicated means it most likely won’t be followed to the fullest extent.
    • Be realistic in what you can really actually address.
  • When thinking of considering a driver policy on the front end, it allows you to take the most appropriate actions as opposed to being really reactive with the actions that occur

To learn more about driver monitoring best practices that can complement your comprehensive safety policy, download our white paper.