Simply put, driver monitoring automatically alerts you when an employee driving on behalf of your company receives a negative violation, giving you full visibility and insight into your driver population. You can sleep easy knowing that only the safest individuals are driving on behalf of your company at any point in time. We are sure you may have some of the same questions, which is why we have worked to answer the three most commonly asked.

How Does Driver Monitoring Work?

Employers are able to simply upload a list of all individuals driving for their company, including name, driver license number and state they’re licensed in, all on SambaSafety’s platform. Any time an employee receives a negative violation, such as a speeding ticket, crash, suspended license or DUI, the platform automatically alerts you.

Free Guide: Revolutionize Your Approach to Mitigating Driver Risk 

Why Does Driver Monitoring Matter?

It’s common practice for companies to pull motor vehicle records (MVRs) at-hire, annually or on a bi-annual basis, however, much can happen during the remaining days of the year. With driver monitoring, you’ll be alerted of any negative violations incurred in near real-time, allowing you to immediately take action. This action is up to the discretion of the person utilizing driver monitoring and can range from enrolling those high-risk drivers in necessary training programs or removing them from your fleet altogether.

How Does Driver Monitoring Compare to Telematics?

SambaSafety’s driver monitoring platform is a SaaS-based technology, meaning no hardware is required to monitor your drivers. Simply upload your list of drivers into the platform and begin receiving automatic alerts any time a violation occurs. Telematics is a hardware application installed in each vehicle that monitors what drivers are doing in that specific vehicle. Telematics can track everything from GPS location to the speed a vehicle is traveling but can quickly become outdated and require consistent maintenance. What telematics does not provide is insight into violations received when someone is driving that vehicle and who should be behind the wheel in the first place.

Suffice to say, driver monitoring is a comprehensive solution that can provide you with a holistic view into the risk that your driver population presents. Even better, the simplicity of the platform, sans hardware or instillation, itself allows ease of use and near-immediate effectiveness. What more could you ask for from the best MVR monitoring system?

To learn more about continuous driver monitoring and why it matters, download our white paper.