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Driver being monitored by continuous MVR monitoring software

Shift Gears with Proactive MVR Monitoring

Stay on top of driver violations and license status changes 365 days a year with continuous MVR monitoring.  

Reduce Driver Risk with
Continuous MVR Monitoring

As risky driving, insurance premiums and costly litigation rise, ensuring driver safety and compliance is critical. Yet, annual motor vehicle record (MVR) checks and self-reporting policies fall short. They offer only a brief snapshot, quickly becoming outdated and creating risk gaps that lead to costly crashes and claims. Continuous MVR monitoring closes this gap with ongoing oversight, so you're always informed about your drivers' license statuses and eligibility.

How MVR Monitoring Transforms Driver Risk Management

Using MVR monitoring to close visibility gaps in driver risk

Close the Visibility Gap

32% Reduction in Monthly Violations within 12 Months
Break free from your reliance on annual MVR reviews with ongoing, automated alerts of driver violations and license status changes both on and off the clock. With notifications about license suspensions, expirations and revocations as well as violations such as speeding, DUIs and more, you can escalate your intervention efforts and pull ineligible drivers off the road who are operating outside of your driver safety policy.

Enable Effective Interventions

77% Violation Reduction after 12 Months of Monitoring and Training
Escalate your intervention process to ensure only the safest drivers represent your company on the roads, safeguarding your workforce, brand and bottom line. With continuous MVR monitoring, you can promptly assign targeted training from automated monitoring alerts and effectively address behaviors based on specific violations, preventing future incidents and crashes.
Intervene with risky drivers using online driver training
MVR monitoring reduces your administrative workload

Reduce Your Administrative Workload

$50K Reduction in Administrative Costs
Automate driver eligibility checks and cut the time, money and resources spent on manual MVR reviews. Our MVR monitoring services streamline your hiring and risk management processes, offering a simplified view of each driver’s risk profile and standardizing violation codes from state to state.

Customer Success Story

Keany Produce & Gourmet has over four decades of experience in the food transportation business, with a fleet of nearly 200 state-of-the-art refrigerated trucks. The company’s goal is to lead the industry in safety and compliance. By leveraging SambaSafety’s MVR monitoring services, Keany: 

  • Expedited its candidate screening and hiring process 
  • Eliminated its reliance on self-reporting 
  • Reduced violations by 37% and costs by $200K 
  • Decreased insurance premiums
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Our Customers Love Continuous MVR Monitoring

Find out why 15,000+ customers trust SambaSafety to monitor their drivers

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Cheryl Rizzo

Manager of HR Operations, TopBuild

"SambaSafety's continuous MVR monitoring and on-demand MVRs minimize the risk of having unsafe drivers behind the wheel. Their comprehensive services are unmatched, with exceptional customer support, user-friendly and intuitive platform, robust reporting and driver training that's easy to access on any device. SambaSafety’s solutions work seamlessly to improve our efficiencies – reducing the time, cost and risk associated with outdated processes."

David D. Keyser

Vice President of Safety, Loomis U.S.

“Before SambaSafety, our team would manually pull 5,000+ MVRs twice annually – often learning of a driver’s DUI or suspended license six months to a year after the fact. We needed a continuous solution to provide this information sooner and with less manpower... Now we pull MVRs electronically once a year and continuously monitor our drivers via SambaSafety’s monitoring solution. The ease of accessing vital MVR information to ensure our drivers meet our stringent requirements is unmatched... the time savings is immeasurable.”