You don’t want to miss what John Diana, Chief Compliance Officer and General Counsel, SambaSafety, Brenden Macy, Corporate and Compliance Council, SambaSafety, as well as Shannon Cohen, Partner, Scopelitis, Garvin, Light, Hanson & Feary, P.C. had to say in their webinar surrounding Developing and Maintaining a Comprehensive Safety Policy.  

Watch the webinar for yourself or dive deeper into some of the highlights below.

  • Previously, considerations for drafting safety policies were covered. Now we are here for the nuts and bolts type of information.
  • According to Cohen, a safety policy is a document provided to all employees who drive.
    • For example, you can have two different types of safety policies – one for employees whose job is driving and one for employees who drive from time to time
  • But why adopt a safety policy?
    • It can make a difference in risk as far as making all your expectations surrounding your driver population straightforward.
    • With a comprehensive and thorough safety policy, employees are aware of the standards your company has for them.
    • From there, they can act within those outlined behavioral parameters.
    • Additional benefits from ensuring you have a comprehensive safety policy include the fact that you can also reduce your liability in event of an incident as well as saving money on your insurance premiums.
  • SambaSafety developed a toolkit that is comprised of documents geared toward taking you from no policy at all to a comprehensive safety policy, covering you from zero to entirely safe.
  • After all, a good safety policy can solidify your dedication in fostering a culture of safety and showcase your commitment in keeping both your community and drivers safe.

If you missed the first webinar, read our recap or view the webinar on-demand.