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How You Can Bridge Your Driver Visibility Gap in No Time

It’s Hard to Understand and Try Preventing What you Cannot See

Have you ever considered the risk your company opens itself up to when increasing reliance on self-reporting by employees and choosing only to pull motor vehicle records (MVRs) bi-annually, annually or at-hire? Whether you have or haven’t thought about the risk, there’s one thing you need to be aware of – the visibility gap.

We understand that the safety of your employees and community is paramount. We also understand that driver behavior can be a leading indicator in accurately identifying those who have the potential to put your company at risk, both on and off the clock. Risk doesn’t take days off either – oftentimes, companies seem to only pull MVRs annually, but take into consideration the other 364 days of the year.


What Could Happen During This Time?

Consider some facts we’ve found in our over 20 years of business and think about what you could be missing when your visibility gap goes unmonitored:

  • Three to five percent of drivers have an invalid license
  • Nineteen percent of fatalities involve invalid licenses
  • Ten percent of drivers make up 40 percent of a company’s crash-related costs

That leaves you with an immense lack of visibility into your employee driving behavior, creating that aforementioned visibility gap and effectively eliminating any form of proactive action you may be able to take. So how do you combat this visibility gap?

To Close the Visibility Gap, You Need More Data

Understanding employee driving behavior is vital in protecting your company. Receive information allowing you to partake in early driver intervention, thanks to near real-time alerts and concise MVRs. With the power of driver monitoring, you are able to protect those on and off the road, employed with your company and the community as a whole.

Gain complete driver population visibility 365 days a year with SambaSafety. Stop relying on self-reporting – never be the last to know and bridge your visibility gap today.

To learn more on how driver monitoring can close the visibility gap and positively impact your risk mitigation strategy, download our white paper.

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