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Driver risk index and license status for grey fleet drivers

Reduce Your Non-Owned Auto Liability

Our grey fleet management solutions empower businesses to identify and mitigate risk associated with employees driving personal vehicles for business purposes.

  • Pre-Employment MVRs
  • Continuous MVR Monitoring
  • Online Driver Training

Don’t Let Hidden Grey Fleet Risk Fly Under the Radar

Millions of drivers use their personal vehicles for regular work-related trips like customer meetings, delivering products, running errands or business travel. This practice puts your business at risk if unsafe driving habits go unchecked.

Grey fleet driver monitoring services

Effective Grey Fleet Management

If an employee has an accident in their personal vehicle during a work-related trip, it could leave their employer vulnerable to significant legal liability and financial repercussions. How is your business addressing potential exposure caused by non-owned drivers?

Our all-in-one driver risk management solution can be tailored specifically for grey fleet management. From identifying dangerous behaviors to mitigating them with targeted training, your team can reduce exposure from one convenient platform.

Make Safety a Cornerstone of Your Grey Fleet Management Strategy

Learn how our driver risk management solutions work to expose and mitigate non owned auto liability – so you can safeguard your most valuable assets.

  • Driver Monitoring Icon Dark Driver Monitoring Icon White Driver Monitoring
  • online driver training icon dark online driver training icon white Online Driver Training
  • Data & Analytics icon Dark Data & Analytics icon White Intuitive Reporting and Insights
SambaSafety Risk Monitoring for grey fleet drivers

Driver Monitoring

Assign online training courses to grey fleet drivers

Online Driver Training

MVR risk scores for grey fleet drivers

Intuitive Reporting and Insights

Explore Our Flexible Suite of Capabilities

Improve your safety program with our pre-employment MVRs and risk management solutions

Unlock Tangible Results with Our Non-Owned Auto Safety Solutions

On average, within the first year of leveraging SambaSafety’s offerings, our customers experience:


reduction in crashes within the first 12 months


violation reduction after 12 months of using monitoring and training


reduction in administrative costs

We Help Businesses of All Sizes Reduce Driver Risk

San Diego Metropolitan Transit System logo
Jared Garcia

Manager of Safety, San Diego Metropolitan Transit System

“Over time, [SambaSafety] has proven to be an invaluable tool for ensuring our drivers are properly licensed and maintain up-to-date endorsements... SambaSafety gives us confidence that there are no unsafe or unlicensed drivers representing our company on the road.”

Nine Energy Services logo
Vice President of Transportation

Nine Energy Services

“SambaSafety’s user-friendly interface has proved to be an invaluable solution, providing real-time visibility of violations, suspensions, disqualifications, expirations and downgrades. This paired with their excellent customer service is why we've found SambaSafety to be the best fit for our company and our mission to mitigate risk.”

Keany Produce & Gourmet logo
Danny O’Rourke

Chief Procurement Officer, Keany Produce and Gourmet

“Proactively engaging with drivers after an incident actually really helps with driver morale in a counterintuitive way. They don’t feel like they need to hide anything anymore when they know their boss is approaching it from a learning and coaching perspective, helping the driver learn from the incident and move forward together. They know we’re not trying to kick them off the roads, but rather help them improve their behavior to keep them safe.”

TopBuild logo
Cheryl Rizzo

Manager of HR Operations, TopBuild

“SambaSafety's continuous MVR monitoring and on-demand MVRs minimize the risk of having unsafe drivers behind the wheel. Their comprehensive services are unmatched, with exceptional customer support, user-friendly and intuitive platform, robust reporting and driver training that's easy to access on any device. SambaSafety’s solutions work seamlessly to improve our efficiencies – reducing the time, cost and risk associated with outdated processes.”