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Reasons for Fleet Vehicle Ownership: Pros and Cons Companies Need to Know

Many businesses require their employees to drive on company time, whether delivering goods, making in-person appointments or driving to and from...

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Decoding the CDL MVR: 3 FAQs Surrounding Commercial Driver Vehicle Records

Motor vehicle records (MVRs) are a necessary component of proactive fleet management. This is especially so for companies managing commercially...

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Driver Safety Training: Trucking Companies Must Cover These 12 Topics

The commercial driver shortage has been trending across fleets for years. The industry currently faces its second-largest number of vacancies on...

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4 Strategies to Prevent Fleet Distracted Driving and Refocus Your Team on the Road

Whether it be a driver behind the wheel of a commercial vehicle, someone making extra money through a ride-share application, an employee driving for...

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3 Steps for Gaining Executive Buy-in to Implement Fleet Driver Training

What’s the key to success for a fleet? Safe, reliable and productive drivers. Your drivers’ performance touches every part of the company: public...

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The Benefits of an Online Warehouse Safety Training Program

Countless time-crunched safety managers put off offering safety training for their team because they think any (or all) of the following: Training is...

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Why Your Company Needs a Better Driver Risk Management Solution

Do you feel as if you’ve been here before? You and the safety experts within your company are all huddled together, working on loose safety...

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How to Prevent Road Rage Among Your Drivers

Road rage is a factor in more than half of all fatal crashes. Examples of road rage can include cursing, rude or obscene gestures, throwing objects,...

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Implementing Driver Safety Training for Employees? Ask These 3 Questions

So, you’re thinking about implementing driver training at your company. It can be intimidating to be the person tasked within your organization to...

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