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Safe and Sound Week 2023: OSHA’s Drive to Elevate Workplace Safety

Safe and Sound Week is not just an observance – it’s a call to action. Held annually by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) each...

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Truckers Against Trafficking: Empowering a Nationwide Force of Vigilant Drivers

Human trafficking is a grave crime that exploits individuals through force, fraud or coercion – making it essential for everyone to remain vigilant....

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Class Is in Session! 12 Back-to-School Safety Tips for Fleet Drivers

With school back in session, the added traffic and pedestrians on the road present a great risk to fleets. School zones are known to be some of the...

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The Rising Tide of Auto Claims Inflation and Its Impact on Premiums

The auto insurance industry has been grappling with a significant challenge – a surge in the inflation of auto claims that’s outpacing the growth of...

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Rev Up Your Fleet’s Safety: Join in on Operation Safe Driver Week 2023!

July 9 to 15 is Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s (CVSA) Operation Safe Driver Week 2023. Throughout the week, law enforcement personnel will be...

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Skyrocketing Loss Costs: What Keeps Auto Insurance Leaders Up at Night

The unprecedented effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are far from over. Countless industries are still struggling to maintain profitability – including...

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Uncovered Exposure: Why Relying on an Annual MVR Review is Risky Business

With the recent 11.8% jump in insurance quote rates across the nation, companies are shopping around with the hope of finding more affordable...

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4 Ways Commercial Auto Carriers Can Help Policyholders Address Hired and Non-Owned Auto Liability

For years, commercial auto carriers have struggled with deteriorating combined ratios. Inadequate rates, increases in claims and social inflation...

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The Surprising Danger Lurking in Your Business: Hired and Non-Owned Liability

Millions of people use their personal vehicle or a rental car to drive for work. They meet with customers, visit offices or job sites, run errands...

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