Ever wanted to know more about how SambaSafety is fueled by data? Hear from our own Data Scientists, Ayodele Odubela and Daniel Laney, on-demand or through our recap below.

Some of the most valuable information you can learn further about from the webinar includes:

  • What data science insights are typically used to do, including
    • Discover gather and explore new data sources
    • Massage data
    • Obtain predictive and actionable data insights
    • Create internal and external data products that have real business value
    • Communicate relevant business insights
    • Drive and inform organization decision-making
  • Data science as it pertains to driver risk management typically includes
  • Risk modeling
    • Process of using relevant historical data and domain expertise to understand the probability of future risk events
  • Conglomeration of data available to SambaSafety that includes
    • MVRs
    • CSA inspections
    • Insurance claims
    • Telematics
  • Providing companies with increased visibility into driving status of every employee in their organization
  • How SambaSafety is utilizing data to create a birds eye view of high-risk drivers no matter the size of the business at hand.
  • And more!

Once you view the webinar in its entirety, view more of our on-demand webinars and learn further about how motor vehicle records and continuous driver monitoring can better inform your risk profile by downloading our white paper.