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Hidden Dangers: The Consequences of Neglecting Fleet Maintenance

In the fast-paced world of fleet management, where deadlines and deliveries are constant, it’s easy to deprioritize vehicle maintenance. However,...

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Use Fleet Data to Prove You’re a Lower Auto Insurance Risk for Commercial Carriers

The insurance industry is changing with the use of big data and technology. This started in the consumer market and is slowly becoming a reality in...

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Reimagining Underwriting: 5 Tips for P&C Insurers

Last year proved to be a challenging period for insurers across the board. From increasing litigation and inflationary pressures to a persistent hard...

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5 Problems Fleet Managers Need to Address During Truck Driver Onboarding

Replacing truck drivers can come at a massive cost, and even a dent in retention efforts can increase profits dramatically. What are fleet managers...

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Navigating Telematics Deployment Methods: A Decision-Maker’s Guide for Commercial Carriers

Telematics solutions offer valuable insights into risk assessment and are transforming underwriting processes across the landscape of commercial...

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Understanding Telematics Aggregation for Commercial Insurance

In the dynamic realm of commercial insurance, where new technological advancements are introduced daily, one innovation is gaining interest among...

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How to Conduct an Effective Fleet Safety Audit

Ensuring the safety and compliance of your fleet is paramount for any business. However, without regular, thorough fleet safety audits, the efficacy...

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Effective Driver Risk Management: The Benefits of Employee Engagement

Proactive driver risk management coupled with strong employee engagement is a powerful mix. While employee engagement is most often seen as a way to...

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How to Reduce Post-Holiday Driver Burnout

If you’re like many people, it’s a struggle to get back into the swing of things in the new year. Drivers, though, could be dealing with something...

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